Energy Performance Rating |
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Coming in September: Energy labels for vacuums

The energy label is designed to help you understand a vacuum cleaner's energy efficiency and performance.
It's being introduced from 1st September 2014.
Here's how it looks.

1. The energy rating
Based primarily on energy consumption, with a penalty for low pick-up.

2. Annual energy usage
The amount of energy the vacuum will use over the course of a year.

Energy Label Bottom

3. Emissions
The amount of dust in air emitted from the machine's exhaust.

4. Noise
The noise level produced by the machine in decibels.

5. Pick-up - Carpets
The rating of how much dust the machine picks up from carpets.

6. Pick-up - Hard floors/crevices
The rating of how much dust the machine picks up from hard floors and crevices.

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"True efficiency is about more than a good energy rating. It's about creating 'lean' machines which maintain high performance, produce no extra waste, and pass no hidden costs onto the user across their lifetime".

To find a truly efficient vacuum,  look beyond the energy label.

To find a truly efficient vacuum, look beyond the energy label.

Choose a vacuum that maintains performance

1. Choose a vacuum that maintains performance.

The energy label rates vacuums before dust is loaded in the machine. In reality, dust causes many vacuums to lose suction. This means that a vacuum's energy label grade will not reflect how it actually performs in the home.

Working towards a better label

Working towards a better label

Dyson has submitted the energy label for judicial review in the European General Court. For the label to genuinely help customers, we're recommending that it should take into account the performance of a vacuum when tested with dust loaded. That way, it reflects how a vacuum performs in the home, not just on the shop shelf.

Choose a vacuum that maintains performance

2. Energy efficiency is important - but it won't save you much money...

If you choose to buy an A-grade vacuum over a G-grade machine you might think that the running cost will be much lower. In fact, the difference to your energy bill could be as little as €4.97 per year (€24.85 over five years) - so selecting the highest-rated model may not make a real difference to your pocket.

The cost of consumables are ignored make a real saving, get rid of hidden costs.

Some vacuums rely on disposable bags and filters to trap dust. The cost of regularly replacing these could be as much as €329 over a vacuum's five-year lifetime.

Over those five years, an A-rated vacuum might save you €24.85 in energy costs. But you could still save almost ten times more by choosing a vacuum with no hidden costs from consumables.

Consider the wider impact on the environment

3. Consider the wider impact on the environment.

Vacuum cleaners that use consumables produce waste that cannot be recycled. In Europe alone, 126 million bags and filters end up in landfill or have to be incinerated each year. The energy label ignores this impact on the environment.

All Dyson Vacuums are Engineered for Efficiency

All Dyson vacuums are engineered for efficiency.

With no loss of suction, all Dyson vacuums maintain performance in the home. And with no extra costs or waste from consumables, Dyson vacuums are engineered for efficiency you won't find on the energy label.

Where to Buy
Leading on Low Power

Leading the campaign for efficient motors.

Dyson has never engineered a machine with a motor rated higher than 1600W. We campaigned for motor wattage caps for vacuum cleaners, and welcome the fact that the energy label will introduce a maximum power input for new vacuum cleaners, capping motors at 1600W in order to reduce their electricity usage.

Efficient engineering as standard

Lean Machines

Dyson creates machines which solve problems – efficiently. We make the most of every Watt of power and every gram of material, reducing our environmental impact. We've got rid of wasteful bags and filters and engineered efficient digital motors which power our lightweight, high-performing cordless machines.